Sunday, February 24, 2013

Whirlwind of a weekend...'s 2:30 Sunday afternoon and we are finally sitting down to some calmness. We have had a very busy weekend with aunts, grandparents and great-grandparents. As I have mentioned in previous posts, family is uber-important to RA and I. We want RF to grow up knowing his family members and having specific memories about spending time with them. We never want to deny our child the opportunity to spend time with those that love him the most. And so starts our whirlwind weekend...

RA had a few house projects that needed someone with more carpentry expertise than I could offer (which is absolutely none), so Friday afternoon Mr. Joe and Mrs. Margie came in town. We ordered in dinner and spent the evening hanging out with Nana and Babu (Mr. Joe and Mrs. Margie's grandparent names). Saturday morning we woke up bright and early - RF is a morning person and greets the day with a bright, beaming smile - and go to work on a few house projects. RA and Mr. Joe went to work on the outside projects and I went to work on a few inside projects - one of which included tackling the mountain of laundry that has been accumulating the last week or so - I just cannot seem to get it under control for some reason. While RA and Mr. Joe made a Lowe's run, Mrs. Margie and I packed up RF and went out and about for a little while. We started out at Babies R' Us, then wandered over to Target before picking up the dry cleaning and heading back home. The evening was spent with Mr. Joe and RA working until after the sun went down - two Hawk men on the back porch with a flashlight and a circular saw - amazingly we didn't have any major injuries - while Mrs. Margie and I put together our newest baby-gear purchase (see below).

Sunday morning greeted us with blue skies and birds chirping and again, RF with a big grin on his face as he woke up about 6:30. We helped Mr. Joe and Mrs. Margie pack their things to head home and got ready for the second round of family to come over. Aunts Hartley and Haydn, my mom and my grandparents came over for lunch (luckily I didn't have to cook - thanks, mom!). As RF drifted off for one of his cat-naps we all found ourselves on the front porch. We spent the better part of two hours reminiscing, and watching RF take in the sights of the outdoors.

As everyone left a little bit ago, I snuck upstairs to rest while RA and RF watch their weekly John Wayne movie. I can hear RF 'talking' to his daddy right now - he is just a squealing and laughing - what a sweet sound to hear on a Sunday afternoon... :-)
Mama and baby boy playing with iPAD Saturday morning before everyone else woke up 

A baby in a box...

Playing with my a box...

Charlie keeping a keen eye on his brother's new 'toy'

LOVING my new high-chair from Nana and Babu

BITING down on my teething ring...

two peas in a pod...

Aunt Hartley feeding RF while he acts all dramatic - since the day he was born he has put his hand over his face while he eats - even if it is pitch dark in the room, he still does it...oh the baby nuances...

MEME's here! 

Hanging in my high-chair reading my book while Meme cooks lunch

Aunt Hartley and Mamaw with RF 

Hugs from Meme and kisses from Papaw

Chewing on those fingers...

Four months old today

Loving on my baby boy