Sunday, December 15, 2019

Catching Up...Again...December 2 - December 15

One day I'll be able to stay on day...:-)

52-Week Blog Challenge --- Week 49 - My Greatest Strength 
Organization is a definite strength of mine. I can (and love to) organize things. Now, with that said I don't organize everything that I should. There are many drawers and closets in my house (and at work) that are complete and utter disasters, but when I get a desire to organize, plan, or develop an idea and make it come to life, I love it.

52-Week Blog Challenge --- Week 50 - My Greatest Weakness 
Asking for help...definitely my biggest weakness, in my eyes. I've gotten better at it as I've gotten older, but the type A personality in me wants to be able to do/handle everything myself all the time. Marriage is a team sport as is parenting, so asking RA or our family for help with personal things is vital to our overall family success because I'm better for them when I'm at the top of my game. Same goes for work --- I want to be able to handle anything thrown my way, but sometimes I have to rely on others. Also - I'm not an expert on everything, so it's important for me to seek out others to help me in areas that aren't my strengths. My dad always says, "Know what you don't know."

Photos of Our Week(s)

Monday, December 2

Looking handsome in one of his new suits...I LOVE a tan suit...

Tuesday, December 3

Beautiful sunrise on our way to school...

Wednesday, December 4

Snuggles by the favorite past-time in the fall/winter, for sure...

Thursday, December 5

Another gorgeous sunrise...

Friday, December 6

Excited about the tree in his room...

Saturday, December 7

RA and I did a little shopping while we were in Greenville this weekend and we found a HUGE wine store...mama liked it...
Sunday, December 8

My Sunday evening grocery shopping buddy...

Monday, December 9

 Department holiday photo props...

Who's going to be Santa?

Tuesday, December 10

December as a teacher is exhausting (really every month as a teacher during the school year is exhausting) so the afternoons are devoted to decompressing from the hectic-ness of the day...

Wednesday, December 11

Cute photo from Ellis' teacher...

Thursday, December 12

Silly boy! Thank you, Dr. Griffith!
Friday, December 13

Making a MESS in my dining room...but they said they were making Christmas presents for their family members, so I just let them go...we can clean it all up later.

Saturday, December 14

Teaching Ellis to sort and bundle socks! One less thing on mama's to-do list...thank goodness!

Sunday, December 15

Sweet boy doing some Sunday morning reading...

It's the last week of school before the holiday break, so my dining room table is COVERED in holiday dress-up day items and gifts for teachers. It's going to be a FUN week for sure and we're excited about our sixteen day break that begins Friday at 3:15PM! We hope you and yours have a great week and a wonderful holiday season!