Saturday, July 20, 2019

Happy 5th Birthday, Ellis!

Happy Birthday To You!

Happy Birthday To You!

Happy Birthday To Ellis! 

Happy Birthday To You!


You, sweet boy, are the big FIVE today!

It absolutely blows my mind to think that you, my baby, are one whole hand old. It seems like just yesterday that I heard the doctor tell us that we were having a baby today...a whole month early. But, once you arrived, our family was complete.

Your spitfire personality, swoon worthy grin, and sweet, sweet heart make you super, super special.

Your love of all things sugary, your big brother, and your bed full of stuffed animals makes me smile.

Your kind heart and sweet little laugh make me happy everyday. And when you climb into my bed or into my lap in the mornings to snuggle, I completely melt.

You've grown so much this past year BeBop and we love you oh so much.

As we start a new chapter of our lives with you in Kindergarten always remember that you are loved and cherished. And while this transition for you is a big one, we know you will totally rock big kid school.

Your daddy, brother, and doggies are incredibly thankful that you are a part of our family and we wish you the happiest of birthdays.

I love you Ellie Bellie!

 All smiles as he woke up as a five year old this morning!