Sunday, January 6, 2019

New Year, New Challenge --- January 1 - January 6

Last year's challenge was to post one photo a day for the whole year. I accomplished that goal.

This year's challenge is to do two posts each week.
  • One post of a 52-Week Blog Challenge that I found on Pinterest (of course). It asks that you take a look at one topic/issue/idea/thought every week for the year. This one should be a lot of fun because the topics that the challenge lists are incredibly varying - from my biggest pet peeve, to ten guilty pleasures to what makes me laugh. :-)
  • And one post of photos from the week - just like last year. I absolutely love knowing that I have this blog as a digital scrapbook of our life as a family. we go!

52-Week Blog Challenge --- Week 1 - Meet My Best Friend

Well that's an easy one. No doubt in my mind that Robert Alan is my best friend.

We've been together for 13.5 years (June 2005) and married for 11.5 years (June 2007). We've lived in four different homes in three different cities in two states. We've both earned multiple college degrees - and more are on the way. We've traveled all over the country exploring the rich history of our nation and expanded our family to include two little boys and five dogs.

He's the one that comforts me when I'm sad, reminds me to laugh when life gets chaotic, sends me 'just because' flowers, calls me out when my priorities are out of whack or when I'm over-reacting in a situation, and puts me as the number one priority in his life.

He works daily on becoming a better man, a better husband, and a better father. He creates to-do lists, and while it might take a while for him to complete a project (wink-wink), he always completes projects that he starts. He values value and loves to look for a good deal. He is committed to knowing and understanding stories - the stories of our past family members - he can tell you all about the first Hawks to step foot on the shores of North America, the stories of pieces of furniture that have become part of our collection - he never forgets how old a piece of furniture is or where it came from, and the stories of our history - he knows everything about everything - dude can rock Jeopardy! He's my very own Renaissance Man. :-)

 Even when times are scary, or nerve-wracking, or absolutely out of control, he's my constant. Thanks for being you, RA. And thank you for choosing me to do life alongside you. XOXO.

Photos of Our Week...
Tuesday, January 1 - New Year, New Blog Challenge

Weekly blog challenge topics - I'm really excited about adding this challenge to my one photo a day challenge. :-)

Wednesday, January 2 - First Spin Class of the Year

I'm going to be sore from this one...

Thursday, January 3 - Beagles...

Sweet, snuggly beagles...

 Friday, January 4 - He Lost His First Tooth! 

He lost his first tooth, y'all. He lost a BABY tooth and one of his ADULT teeth is going to start pushing through...hold me...

Saturday, January 5 - January Mantle

SUPER SIMPLE January mantle is up! 

Sunday, January 6 - Trying New Things

 One of my New Years resolutions centers upon trying new things, so online grocery order #1 is complete. Fingers crossed pick up goes easily and that they picked the right bananas and tomatoes - I'm really picky about my produce...