Friday, November 17, 2017

Fall in Bryson City, NC

I love fall. Seriously - LOVE. IT.
We've decided to make it a tradition to spend the last weekend of October at a cabin in the foothills of the Great Smoky Mountains in Bryson City, NC. This year, Mrs. Margie and Mr. Joe went with us to experience the beautiful fall colors of the mountains and we had a blast!  
Friday afternoon the boys had their Fall Party at school, so Nana and I stopped by to enjoy their event before heading on to NC.

Painting his pumpkin...

Final product...
Some of his artwork I found hanging in his classroom...

Time for a SNACK! Once Ellis was finished with his party in his classroom, he decided to join RF's party in the Pre-K classroom.

Beanbag toss game. RF said he was the manager (?) making sure that the buckets were positioned properly.

Let's head to the mountains, boys!

Chick-Fil-A snack + a movie to make the three hour drive a little more fun...
We made it!
He loves to explore the property...

Such a great playground for the kids...

Fall beauty...

He loves the slide...

Silly boy!
Daddy and Babu left GA later than we did, so we spent some time showing Nana around the property and of course the boys had to play on the playground...

Roses still in bloom!

Playing in the fort!

His HAPPY place!
Relaxing in the cabin while watching an episode of Duck Tales...

Love this little boy...

Gosh he's getting so big...

Nana made Kool-Aid that the boys insisted they needed to drink out of coffee cups...
We grabbed a quick dinner Friday night and spent the evening enjoying the quiet mountain air. Big plans for Saturday included lots of exploring!

Saturday morning cabin smiles!

Hanging out on the porch while Nana made breakfast. There was a light misty rain pretty much all day Saturday, so we made sure to bundle up and wear our rain boots, but it didn't stop these two boys from having fun!

Saturday morning smiles on the porch...
Happy brothers!

Time for breakfast! Eggs, bacon, and biscuits!

Babu enjoying breakfast with his little buddies...
After breakfast we loaded up the car and headed toward the GSM park entrance to enjoy some time wandering through the park.
We stopped by the park entrance and were able to see the elk out enjoying the morning air...

Big ELK!

So pretty...

Just wandering...

We love mountain rivers...

This kid LOVES to be outside and explore!

Walking the path towards the church with daddy...

Nana, Babu, and E  hiking the path, too.

This little boy LOVES his Babu.

Hiking amidst the beautiful fall colors.

He decided to go off the path for a little bit...

Fall colors out the window of the church...

Happy as can be.

Beautiful church just inside the park entrance.

A daddy and his little buddies...

Rock climbing with daddy. This makes my mam heart skip a beat from nervousness, but I know they have the time of their lives hanging out with their daddy.

More rock climbing...

Hawk men enjoying the mountain river...

Time for a walk!

Nana and Babu alongside the mountain river...
After we wandered for a bit (and mama got a little car sick on the windy mountain roads) we headed back to the cabin for lunch and to rest for a bit before heading back out to enjoy the Deep Creek trails in Bryson City.
LOVES the mountains...notice his genuine GSM walking stick? Sad story about it momentarily...

Hiking at Deep Creek...

They just walked and talked. It was so sweet.

Not a care in the world.


Boys and their daddy...

Whole family wandering...

Bridge across the river and the vibrant fall colors...

I could stare at this view all day...

More rock climbing...and the last photo of RF with his walking stick. He accidentally let go of it and it got washed down the river. He was heartbroken. Ellis gave him his walking stick and his daddy and Nana tried to find him a new one to perk him up.

Staring at the river upset that he lost his walking stick...

A trip to the train car in town helped perk him up, though.

Wonderful wife and handsome husband...

Nana and Babu (and Ellis).

Driving the train!

Ellis and Babu collected acorns while we hiked all day, so once we were back at the cabin, the boys took a look at all of their finds...

Time for dinner at Jimmy Macs! Sweet tea drinking southern boy...

Talking with Nana while waiting for our dinner...

RF was grumpy and his daddy made him laugh...

After dinner the boys decorated pumpkin cookies!

Working hard!

Almost done.


And yummy!

Snuggled up watching Duck Tales with his mama...
His "coffee" Sunday morning with breakfast...

More sweet brother time...

After packing up the cabin, we drove towards Maggie Valley, NC and the entrance to the GSM park entrance at Cataloochee. More beautiful fall colors!

As we got higher in elevation, it started to rain, and then SNOW!

SNOW! The boys were SO EXCITED!

Mama and daddy at the Cataloochee overlook!

Smiling for a picture with mama, but FREEZING COLD.
Fall colors and SNOW on the fence!

It was so pretty!

More smiles with mama. Ellis wasn't interested in taking pictures with me.

Starting the drive down into the valley...

RF said he was still cold, so RA put his GA hoodie on RF...

Mama and her boys. E was grumpy about something. No telling what.

Beautiful elk in the valley!

They were RIGHT by the road. So pretty.

Bridge across the river to explore the house...

Newspaper on the walls (used as wallpaper to try and keep heat in and cold out).

Nana and Babu exploring the house...

Sweet brothers.

More SNOW as we drove back up the mountain...

So pretty!
We made a pit stop in Waynesville, NC to grab a quick lunch and mail a postcard before getting on the road home to Covington. We had SO. MUCH. FUN.
Now, we are excited to spend next week at the BEACH in AL with the family for Thanksgiving. December, however, is on lock-down for the Hawk family. We will be at HOME enjoying time together as we round out 2017 and get ready to welcome 2018.