Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Snow Days = Ice Days

Three days off of school here in Lower Alabama as some predicted 'light wintery mix' turned into 1/2" - 1" thick sheets of ice. We were confined to the house Tuesday and Wednesday, which was pretty nice, until RF started to go stir crazy. Hoping that the ice will melt enough tomorrow that we can venture out for a little bit.

Some photos of Icemageddon 2014…
RF outside Tuesday afternoon as the 'light wintery mix' was beginning to accumulate...

Icicles on the crape myrtle tree outside our living room window...

That's not snow…that's ice covering our driveway…

Gracie giving RF a kiss before we went on a walk Wednesday morning...

This kid LOVES his dogs...

Frozen car Wednesday morning...

Again, ice not snow...

Headed out for a slow and careful walk down the street with RF safely and snuggly tucked into his wagon…

Looking north up our street...

Walking south toward Government Street...

Looking east on Government Street...

Looking west on Government Street...

Ice covered sago palm…

Front of the house...

Icicles hanging from the roof...

Homemade hot chocolate…homemade, folks!

And homemade spaghettio's + grilled cheese sandwiches today to warm up my little boy...