Friday, May 24, 2013

End of the School Year + 7 Months Old

Oh happy, happy, happy day! Today is the last day of the 2012 – 2013 school year – my sixth year of teaching is a wrap (well, sort of – teachers have to work next Tuesday and then we’re really finished for summer).

RF and I have big plans for the summer – story-time at the library, play-dates with friends, lunch-dates with family, splish-splashing in Lola and Papa Tad’s pool, scrapbooking, and I’m sure we will find LOTS more to do together. I am so excited to have ten full weeks with my sweet boy. I have a sprinkling of meetings and workshops to attend this summer to gear up for next school year, but my main priority is that cute, chubby-legged boy that stole my heart back in October when ours eyes met for the first time.

Since the weather has been a bit warmer (although it is quickly approaching the sticky, nasty, hot stage) we have spent quite a bit of time outside. RF loves, absolutely loves, to be outside. Hopefully this summer won’t be too miserable and we can spend time outside each day – even if it’s just swinging on the front porch and listening to the birds chirp.

RF turns 7 months old today. He is closer to being a year old than he is to being a newborn – how crazy is that? I was asked the other day if I had started planning his first birthday party…seriously, I’m about to cry – I cannot think about that just yet…although I suppose I should start thinking about it, as once school goes back in August life will be back to crazy busy. Nope, not thinking about that right now – my priority right now is to hang with my little boy and drink in all these moments before he is walking, talking and going off to Kindergarten.

RF has begun mimicking the words we say more and more. I’m pretty sure he has no clue with the words mean, but he makes the sounds anyway. He really enjoys saying da-da (sometimes sounds more like ga-ga, though) and has recently realized that he can make a spitting noise --- that’s fun to deal with right after he eats.

He is also scooting around on his belly. He lays flat and then pulls himself towards whatever he is after – a block, a ball, a refrigerator magnet (I’ve mentioned that he enjoys odd items as toys, right?) or whatever happens to be in the floor (only baby-safe toys, of course). He hasn’t made it over to the dog bowls yet, although I’m sure that will happen sometime soon and mama will have a big ole’ little boy mess to clean up.

Aunt Haydn graduated from high school this week – YEA, AUNT HAYDN! It was 10 years and 1 day from the day I graduated high school. As fast as time is moving with RF, it is really hard to believe that it has been 10 years since I graduated high school. 

The GRADUATE! The last of the Denson girls is FINISHED with high school!

All the sisters, Mom and RF 

Aunt Hartley loving on RF

A HAPPY little family :-)







