Sunday, April 7, 2013

Nom Nom Nom :-)

Baby food...homemade baby food. I have to admit, I was super skeptical about this whole 'make your own baby food' thing, but this past week I had time to try it out since RF is approaching 6 months. We got the go-ahead from our pediatrician at our last appointment, but I just wasn't quite ready for my baby to be eating food...real food. 

We started with some of the basic rice cereal, which RF was not a huge fan of, but he did well 'eating' it - mainly licking the spoon. After a trip to Burris Farm Market last weekend I decided to try a few new foods to see if RF liked them any better - we bought sweet potatoes, an avocado, plums, pears and apples. So far RF has tasted sweet potatoes and avocado - both of which he enjoyed. 

Saturday morning I woke up early to try a new breakfast-type food with him - oatmeal. I have never liked oatmeal, but after some reading about making your own baby food oatmeal seemed to be the consensus on a good first breakfast food. My research suggested using steel cut oats and milling them yourself before cooking the oatmeal. Luckily we got a Baby Bullet as a baby shower present so I went to work milling the oats, cooking them and then pureeing them with plums. 

He loved it and I mean L-O-V-E-D it. Instead of just licking the spoon he actually ate it this time. So, even though I have only made three foods, YEA for homemade baby food!