Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Month #1

Yesterday we attended our 1 Month Dr. Appt. - and can I just say...sheesh.

RF is not a crier (knock on wood). He has very specific squawks that mean different things - primarily feed me, change me or burp me. But yesterday, ladies and gentlemen, there were tears - real baby tears. I was doing everything in my power to hold it together and I must say that I wasn't sure I was going to make it. He did fine through the weighing, measuring and basic exam, but the shot and heel stick were another story - tears I tell you...real baby tears. Once things were over I scooped him up, consoled him and he was asleep before we made it back out to the car.

We certainly have a big boy - and a growing boy - on our hands.
At Birth:                    At 1 Month:
9 lbs, 7 oz.                 11 lbs, 8 oz.
21 inches long           24 inches long

Top Five Things I've Learned This Month:
*I can do a lot of things one-handed such as set a pot of coffee to brew, make a sandwich, laundry, type an email, vacuum, scrapbook, and even make the bed.
*There is absolutely nothing better than your baby staring into your eyes or sleeping on your chest.
* I am a lot stronger and more capable than I thought I was.
* How much more I love my husband after seeing him as a father.
* I've always known that people could communicate without speaking, but having a baby reminds you just how impressive the human connection is - we can tell what he needs/wants by looking at him, his movements, and his noises.

RF the night he was born - 10/24/12
