Sunday, December 26, 2010

tis' the season

Our first Christmas in the new house has been greatly memorable. From decorating to entertaining and being able to relish in our Christmas traditions we recognize the fact that we are truly blessed.

This was the first Christmas that Robert and I have been in our home for Christmas since we have been married. We usually travel at this time of year but work and contractor schedules hindered us from making a big trip. However, we were very excited to spend the time together in our new home.

Our plans for Christmas were quite simple, just the way we like it. We hosted Christmas Eve dinner for my dad, stepmom, sister, and her boyfriend. Christmas Day was spent doing absolutely nothing and it was fantastic. Our Christmas morning tradition consists of cinnamon rolls and watching the Christmas classic A Christmas Story and we ended the day by spending the evening at my mom's house for dinner.

Tomorrow is back to work for Robert Alan and the contractors will arrive to complete the biggest part of the renovations - removing an entire wall and Iwill certainly update with pictures as the process unfolds. This week for me will focus on planning for the upcoming semester as I am again teaching three new classes that I have never taught before.
Hoping your Christmas was as special as ours,
The Hawks