Thursday, December 23, 2010

first two days

Little by little we are starting to see changes to the exterior and it is really exciting. So far a great deal of sanding has taken place and a number of pieces of siding are beginning to be replaced.

Part of my job during this process is to keep a keen eye on the dogs. As we have a doggie door for them to use I had to close that off and keep them in the house for a majority of the day which for two of our dogs (Charlie would stay inside asleep all day every day if we let him) is driving them crazy. As you can see below, Lucky has found a spot upstairs that allows her the opportunity to look out over the contractors to make sure all is well and Gracie likes to stand near the front door and cock her head sideways as she is trying to figure out every little sound.

Taking a break from the renovations for a few days we are preparing for Christmas Eve dinner at our house followed by a few days of complete relaxation.

Wishing you and yours a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year,
The Hawks