Friday, July 15, 2016

The Middle of Summer 2016

In between all of the traveling this summer, the boys and I really have had TONS of fun. It's incredibly hard to believe that teachers in my school system go back to work next week and that my boys are two weeks from beginning the 2016 - 2017 school year, too. This summer has flown by, but it's not over just yet --- we still have some fun to be had!
Climbing onto the top of his car...

Cooling off in the pool...

Pomegranates growing like crazy on our pomegranate tree...

Tomatoes are coming in, too. We've also got okra, watermelons, peppers, and squash...

We've played with a lot of trains this summer...these two boys are really in to trains...

And these two puppies are growing like weeds --- four months old already. This is their favorite spot to park their little butts while I cook dinner every night...not very convenient for me...

Dump trucks, cloth diaper, and mud boots --- he's good to go. I'm surprised he has a shirt on - he's in a bit of a 'naked' phase where the less clothing he has on, the happier he is.

FRUIT loving kid right here --- peaches, strawberries, bananas, apples, blueberries, grapes, etc.

Nana and I took RF to see Finding Dory...first time to see a movie in the movie theater and stay awake the entire time...

He was so excited!

Taking it all in while waiting to go into the movie theater...

Enjoying the Icee and the movie so much!

Their favorite afternoon activity...

Misbehavior = time out.

Cups on his arm pretending to be a transformer...

A little more time out time...he's at that age where he is PUSHING the limits...and learning about times, fun times.

Resting with Gus...

Sweet Daisy girl napping in my arms...

Climbing a tree!

Happy as can be...such boys...

Water from the sprinkler + dirt = MUD!

Lots of mud...

Covered. In. Mud.

RF and I took Nana, Babu, and Ellis to the Georgia Aquarium...RF and I have been before, but it was Nana, Babu and Ellis's first time...we had a blast!

RF brought me two paper towel rolls this morning and asked me to make him a pair of "noculars, please."


WOW - look at the fish, Babu...

I love this photo of the two of them. Ellis is enamored with his Babu. Nana, daddy, RF, and I do not exist if Babu is around. He LOVES his Babu!

We found a shipwreck, mama!

A whale shark...RF loved these since one of the characters in Finding Dory is a whale shark --- Destiny. As we walked through the gift shop, he picked out a stuffed whale shark, named her Destiny and has had her in his hand all day.

He got tired of standing, so he plopped himself down on the floor to take a closer look...

TANK the turtle...

Seriously, Ellis LOVES his Babu...

A horrible photo, but you can see the wonder on his face...he was amazed at the aquarium. I cannot believe this kiddo will be TWO in five days...five days, my friends. Five days...