Thursday, October 29, 2015

A diggin' good time...

This past Saturday, Robert Franklin turned the big T-H-R-E-E.

When I asked him what he wanted for his birthday he said, "a digger cake" and the 'theme' of his birthday party was born. I'm not a super crafty-person and don't throw over the top parties for my kids (fine for those who do, it's just not my thing), so we kept it low-key, as usual.

I found a cute construction-themed card at Vista Print. Super inexpensive, super simple, super quick and super cute - works for me!
The morning began with a excited little boy who devoured a few Krispy Kreme doughnuts to celebrate, "my birthday party day, mommy!"


With Meme and Nana and Babu in town, we spent the morning hanging out at home playing with our new three year old boy. He helped us on a few projects before having lunch and receiving his first presents of the day.

An original The Incredible Mr. Limpet movie poster --- he loves this movie and has probably watched it 100 times over the past year.

He was SO excited about the second poster his daddy got him - the AT-AT Walkers from Star Wars - RF calls them Sky Walkers. The side of the frame cracked so RF ran to get his drill so that he could "fix it nice and cosy for my room, mommy."

Hanging proudly in RF's room...
By this point it was time for lunch and naps so that mommy could prepare the living room for the party.
Birthday lunch for RF - he requested a 'big turkey sandwich'. Ellis and daddy had one, too.

Passed out from all of the morning fun, but SO MUCH afternoon fun was waiting...

ZONKED, too.

While the boys slept we got everything ready for his party so that when he woke up it would be GO-TIME.
RF's digger cake. Super simple and super cute. He LOVED it!
Again, super simple. Black and yellow streamers, a few traffic cones, a construction hat (which he wasn't in to very much) and a banner. Good. To. Go.

Photos of his construction trucks on the end of the banner + photos from the night he was born, 6 months, and 1 year on the left side and...

More photos of his trucks on the other side + photos from 18-months, 2 years, and 2.5 years on the right hand side.

He woke up READY TO PARTY! We served a queso-dip, meatballs, pigs in the blankets, and fruit - did I mention I like super simple?

Long enough to take this photo is about how long the hat stayed on his head.

Super excited to open a few presents...

Ready for us to sing and to blow out his candles...

He got a little embarrassed as we sang to him, but blew out the candles like a champ.

Present time - a new truck - a concrete truck.

Star Wars book...

A Rescue Bot...Blades...

And a Stormtrooper...
He also got a few other things - books, pants, the Penguin movie, underwear and lots of sweet kisses and hugs from his family...

SO EXCITED about the StormTrooper...

Ellis liked the boxes the best...

And playing peek-a-boo...


After the party we hung outside for a while...Mr. Ellis loves to wander around the yard in his big-boy boots...

RF being a helper...picking up leaves with Nana...

And helping get the dirt ready for some flowers to be planted...

Ellis loves to get dirty...didn't care one bit about the dirt and mud he managed to coat his clothing in...

Helping Nana plant flowers...
Newborn and 6 months...
1 year and 1.5 years...
2 years and 2.5 years...

HAPPY 3rd BIRTHDAY, Robert Franklin!