Thursday, November 27, 2014

Camping, A Four-Month Old, and Thanksgiving Day

Pretty random topics to put together into one post, but hey - time is of the essence here in the Hawk house right now, folks. Life is crazy busy, but oh so much fun as a family of four. :-)

A couple of weekends ago RA set up the tent for he and RF to camp in the backyard. Things went really well until RF realized I wouldn't be sleeping in the tent with them at which point he made it clear that he was done and wanted to come inside. We'll try again another time. Maybe when Ellis is a little older and he and I can camp out, too.
The tent ready to go...

A camping essential...

Playing in the tent...

Roasting marshmallows...

Enjoying his first-ever s'more...

Take me inside, mama - it's freaking freezing out here...

And they're done. This photo makes me laugh out loud. 
All three Hawk boys entranced watching Star Wars...

A Four-Month Old.
JE turned four months old on November 20th. He had his four-month check up earlier this week and we received a clean bill of health and some stats showing that our early bird is growing quickly as he is up to 14 lbs, 7 oz and 25.5 inches long.


Thanksgiving Day.
We spent today hanging out at home and enjoying the day together as a family. My mom came in town last night to spend today and tomorrow with us and RF loved having his Meme around. He stayed busy, busy, busy all day.

This is what my main hallway looked like at 7AM this morning...

JE and RA enjoying the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade...

I heard this over and over and over. He was so excited to see Thomas in the parade and as equally ticked off when the parade continued and he could no longer see it. 

Out for an afternoon stroll around the block...

Wagon ride to see the lion statues in our around-the-corner neighbor's yard...

I kiss Ellis, mama. 

I pet Ellis, mama. 
(Can't make this stuff up…that's actually what he said.)

Impromptu photo shoot with the Christmas lights as we were putting up the tree...


Little hands and little feet...

What in the world is this thing, mama? 

Be. Still. My. Heart.