Saturday, October 18, 2014

Month #3 for JE and Birthday Week for RF

JE is three months old today and in less than one week RF will be two.

Three months old. Two years old. My big boys are continuing to grow up right before my eyes.

JE is still a perfectly content little man. He is completely go-with-the-flow. He's smiling, cooing, and has rolled over a few times from his stomach to his back. He's sleeping in his crib every night and, knock-on-wood, has had multiple nights in the last week where he has slept from 7pm - 6am without a single wake-up.


Every night I make a bottle or two just in case, but he has been proving me wrong and sleeping all night long. Now if we can just get the two-year old to do that consistently. JE is still spending his days with his Lola and gives her sweet smiles and coos all day long. I've been remembering back to when RF was a newborn and reminding myself just how strong the human connection is in that I can look at JE or hear his squawks and know what it is he needs/wants.

RF has really become more of a little boy in the last month and it is amazing. He communicates with us in complete sentences. He has begun to love cartoons more, too. He's always been a Curious George fan, but recently he has become a pretty intense Thomas the Train and Cars fan. He is loving life and is amazed by the simplest things. He makes me smile everyday. I find myself stopping and committing myself to the moment as he observes and comments on the world around him.

Last weekend I was putting him down for his nap and I said, "I love you, buddy" and he responded with, "I love you, too mommy." He saw my eyes welling up with tears and said, "Don't cry, mommy. I love you."

With the good comes the not-so-good in the form of typical two-year-old meltdowns . We certainly have our moments where I have to take a deep breath and remind myself that he is a child and I am the adult. He is learning how to deal with his emotions (and that dad-blasted Hawk temper). My job is to help him learn how to understand and deal with his emotions. But in the moment I usually want to run screaming into another room (but I don't, I promise).

Here's to hoping that I don't cry too much over the next few days as we get ready to celebrate his birthday this weekend. :-) 

Such a silly boy...