Saturday, January 29, 2011

i just can't not take their picture

As I was going through my pictures the other day I realized that I have more pictures of our dogs than of Robert and I. And I am pretty sure that I am obsessed with photographing them - when they sleep, when they are awake, when we go on walks, when we are in the car - anywhere really. Maybe it's the photographer's daughter in me, maybe it shows how much I care about them - maybe both, but I just can't seem to get enough pictures of our three, four-legged children.


In the pic on the right he was hiding at the vet's office...

Some of my favorite candids...

Charlie IN A TREE.

Lucky has an obsession with being UNDER the covers

The thermostat read 56...

Lucky's has another obsession - she loves to be outside. When we lived in the upstairs apartment, this was as close as she could get - so glad we have a doggie door now!

She has a fear of slipping on the floor and she will put one paw in and out of the doggie door numerous times until she gets a solid footing.

Mr. Hawk prepping for the bar exam and his diligent study buddy keeping him company.

Our famous baby girl...

Went to get something out of the closet and this is what Robert found...
