Monday, January 8, 2018

2018 - Week One Photos

I decided to take on a task this year of pulling one photograph a day and documenting it on the blog. Hopefully, I'll be able to keep up. Here it goes...

Monday, January 1 --- First Day of the New Year
Double OT --- DAWGS WIN the Rose Bowl!
This photo is of an EHS grad that now plays for UGA.

Tuesday, January 2 --- Looking Up
These two were snuggled up together in my bed. I said, "I love you" and they both looked up at me while I snapped a photo of their sweet faces...

Wednesday, January 3 --- What I'm Reading
A little primary source reading in preparation of some lesson planning...
Thursday, January 4 --- Colorful
Back to reality this week (and early wake ups, and working all day, and crazy kiddos) and I needed a little sweet treat Thursday night as a reward for making it through the day...

Friday, January 5 --- Black and White
Sweetness. Daddy, Ellis, and Gracie snoozing it up together.

Saturday, January 6 --- Time
I spent some time on the couch Saturday nursing a bad sinus headache, but when your kiddo asks you to read them a read them a book.

Sunday, January 7 --- Throwback
Throwback to the days of yore...RF found a wax seal kit that RA bought when he was in England during his study abroad program while an undergrad at UGA. He asked his daddy to show him how it worked, so RF wrote a letter and then his daddy showed him how to seal it with the wax + seal.
Sealed with an "H"...